Sunday, February 3, 2013

Small Warehouse

Small Warehouse

One of the challenges of this kit, to me, is to have all the green pieces painted as you need them. I wasn't really comfortable removing everything that needed to be green at once so I pretty much did it on an as needed basis. I have a pretty nice airbrush paint station set up. Nice paint booth. Keeps all the fumes away. What I did is use some of the provided double sided tape and stuck the needed pieces down and painted them as shown.

Pump house. First thing to do is build the little pump house that goes onto the side of the building. Not much to say about this. The small warehouse is pretty much a smaller large warehouse and goes together about the same.

After covering the walls with metal in the usual fashion I test fit everything together. 

 The ends of this building, for me, was the hardest metal application for me. Between the small window, large door and small pieces, I just had a real hard time getting it to look good to my eye. After I finished the rear wall I counted up my remaining metal siding and decided to rip it all off and start over. My solution was to use 10' pieces at full height and put the smaller pieces that are angled on top of the underlying siding. It just made it look smoother.  Once again, I keep examining metal buildings in my neighborhood (airport) and all the metal overlaps but you can hardly tell it. It's just what we have to work with. Here is a building I built 10 years ago. Durango Car Barn. Roof looks about the same. Another problem is that I have had panels pop loose from the double sided tape. I've been using the syringe and Aleene's Tacky Glue to fix those.
I also found an apparent error in the instructions on the roof. It says to use 8' pieces of metal for the first course of metal. It should actually be 6' pieces. Scared me at first as I though I didn't have enough metal but every thing worked out perfectly.

 Here are some pictures with what I have finished so far in the new location on my layout that was put together for it. The garage will have to be moved to somewhere other than where the prototype was but since the prototype was actually in Dolores and mine is outside of Durango I guess I can do whatever I want. :)

 Next - Catwalk, tanks, and piping!

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